Charleston Stump Stompers is always happy to offer affordable tree services for all of your needs. Turning to us for professional tree stump removal service in Charleston, SC will ensure that this challenging task is handled correctly and safely. With our knowledge and experience, we can provide comprehensive removal services affordably and efficiently. We take pride in our ability to provide the assistance required to get this job done right the first time. We’re proud of our reputation as a top company to use when you need unsightly and dangerous tree stumps eliminated from your property.
If a tree falls or is removed from your yard, stump removal in Charleston, SC may be necessary. You may consider leaving the stump in your yard, but doing so can lead to various issues. Others may consider handling the removal themselves, but it’s best to utilize the service of a professional company that is experienced in these types of jobs. Attempting to complete it on your own may result in the use of improper techniques or equipment, which can cause further damage.
When you leave a stump on your property, it will start the decomposition process immediately. Having this occur means it will also begin attracting different organisms that can help take part in this slow and messy process. Within a short while, carpenter ants, termites, and beetles may start to take hold and decide that the tree stump makes a comfortable home. If you’re living on the property and have ants making a nest in your tree stump, you may want to get prepared for them venturing into your house as they start looking for more food and nesting areas.
Attracting unwanted pests isn’t the only problem with leaving a stump. Having it stick out of the ground can also be a dangerous obstacle, making your property an unsafe area. If you have children who want to play in the yard, dodging a solid piece of wood may be challenging, and the stump could result in one of your kids stumbling and sustaining an injury. You’ll also have this stump left to deal with if you’re trying to do any work on your property. Making sure you are careful around it when you’re pulling weeds or cutting grass is crucial. Running into a stump with a lawnmower can cause a considerable amount of damage. Using our affordable tree stump removal service in Charleston, SC solves this problem immediately.
Having a stump sticking out in your yard can also lower the value of your home. It’s not attractive, and if you decide to sell your home, potential buyers may be left with a negative impression of your property. After using our tree stump removal service, you can repurpose the area and utilize the extra space for other aesthetically pleasing plants or leave it open for more room to wander. Adding a new tree or flower bed may be an ideal way to enhance the aesthetics of this area. At Charleston Stump Stompers, our team always strives to leave you with the best possible option once our services have been completed.
Stump removal in Charleston, SC differs from stump grinding. With grinding, the roots and a portion of the stump are left in the ground, and only the top part of the stump that is sticking out of the earth is removed. Special equipment is utilized to take off the top portion until it is just below ground level. If you’re going to be doing any construction in this area, completely eradicating the stump is preferred as it will help ensure there isn’t any unwanted settling. Our team uses specialized equipment to perform this task effectively. Once a stump is removed, you won’t have to worry about any other problems it can cause. Utilizing our team when you require specialized tree services in Charleston, SC will help ensure it’s done professionally.
Obtaining professional assistance when you need a stump removed is a safe and time-saving choice. Charleston Stump Stompers are ready to assist you. Call us today at (843) 994-2260 to schedule an appointment.
Our friendly and experienced team focuses on providing exceptional service to each and every customer.
Charleston Stump Stompers is a certified and insured tree service company.
You will always receive up front and honest prices on your invoice or service estimates.
We are a full service company, capable of providing commercial and residential tree services.
Our customers continue to provide us with their appreciation and 5 star service reviews!
Our tree service professionals proudly serve Charleston and surrounding communities!
2013 Rifle Range Rd Mt Pleasant, SC 29464